

" We all are slaves of Love, 
Self imposed slavery this is,
Your chains around me, 
Mine around you, 
Stumbling in the dark, 
We cry, fight and bleed, 
Feeding the ever thirsty fangs of Love, 
Yet, we hold the chains tight, 
Coercing a smile amidst suffocation. 

We are not blind to the world outside,
Longing gazes sail among its beauty,
Enchanted by seasons, its ever changing melody,
Of course, we could be free,
And embrace the Freedom anytime we want,
Yet we don’t.
We prefer these chains,
For we are afraid,
Not of beauty, nor freedom,
But of loneliness,
The shrewd mistress of Freedom.

But we could all be free together,
Yet we don’t do it,
For we are again afraid,
Of ourselves,
Of our chains loosening around others,
Of uncertain stares that follow us like shadows, and
Of shadows dissolving into nothingness.

Alas, my vision is fading,
Chains tightening around me,
Its clamour preying on my senses,
Suffocation, pain, darkness,
The cycle repeats,
And the Master laughs. "

- A R

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